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Dog ate a Gum

Sunday, January 8, 2012.

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Pokemon in real life?


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Extreme Photos

Monday, July 5, 2010.

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Must See Photos

Wednesday, June 30, 2010.

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Such a Lazy Cat

First I thought that this i kind of a joke, but that I saw that this cat is truly the laziest cat ever walked (or it would be more propriety to say: slept) on the planet Earth! This is almost ridiculous how this cat is not moving and no matter what you do and where you put her she keeps acting the same. The photos are so funny. It makes me wonder would this cat move if she were in real danger or would she kept with doing what she does ad that is nothing. It is nice to have an animal whom you can cuddle, but there is nothing else you can o whit this cat, she is is in fact only sleeping and it doesn’t move a lot.

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Crazy Optical Illusions

Friday, June 25, 2010.
Crazy Optical Illusions

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